Fuzz B Store

Blue Fuzzy Slipper

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello again...

I've just started selling AVON again and hope that you'll take the time to check out what's on sale. Avon is so much more than skin care, make up and perfumes. We have clothing, toys, health products, accessories, tools and the list goes on and on.

Unlike most companies, AVON is celebrating their 125 year. Yes, your read right... 125 YEARS. How amazing is that???

So, take a little time to see what 125 years has brought to the AVON of today. Also, take advantage of FREE direct delivery shipping (to your home) with the purchase of $30 or more. We are open 24/7 for your convenience.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Simple Amish Christmas and Kindle

Ok... It has been a very hard month of November for me personally. On Nov. 15th, I lost my beloved best friend of 17 years. My sweet kitty, Sandra, passed away during the night. She was one of two that helped me some very difficult times in my life. Saw me through a divorce, the loss of my first child, the loss of my Grandmother, extreme stress of two private schools treating my twins like they were nothing but gum on the bottom of their shoes and the almost loss of my home. My Sandra always knew when I needed love or extra attention. She always took naps with me, but kept her head on my hands until I fell asleep, or licked my face to tell me she loved me. As I sit here and type this, I still see her beautiful face and hear that soft purr that would greet me every time I picked her up. One couldn't have asked for a better friend. I am so lucky to have had the time I had with her, but also that I am even more lucky to have my other best friend, Doobie, who is 19 years old. He too is having a hard time with this great loss, but we help each other every day, by sitting together and just being together.

During such a hard time, my wonderful in-laws tell me that they want to make my Christmas wish come true. They sent me a Kindle as an early Christmas gift. Words can not express how grateful I am to them for such an amazing gift. I received my Kindle two days after Sandra's passing. With my husband's insistance, I opened the box way too early for Christmas gifts, but I am so glad I didn't wait. It was just the perfect thing to help me take my mind off of things.

Two days after I got my Kindle, I took it with me to our Thursday's therapy session for the boys. This thing is AMAZING!!! The very first book I downloaded was a free book (for a Limited Time) called "A Simple Amish Christmas" by Vannetta Chapman.

This book is a MUST read! When you need something to help lift you up and show you hope... This is the perfect read! This was my very first book about Amish life, so it took some getting use to of the words, but once you start reading, everything just fits into place, keeping you wanting more. Now I am just patiently waiting for another of her books to come out. :o)  Go check it out!!!

Until next time...

Happy Holidays and Stay Safe during the Holidays!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cyber Monday at Build-A-Bear

Go check out Build-a-Bear's Cyber Monday deal!!!  You can't miss this great deal!!

Please see the button next to this post.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

It's hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I just discovered that Build-a-Bear is having a GREAT sale online today thru Sunday on Hal and Holly Moose. Please check it out!

Friday, October 8, 2010


I'm about to scream!!!! Twilight Eclipse is coming out on DVD and is now available for pre-order... RELEASE DATE IS DECEMBER 4TH!!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Amazing Ball Jointed Doll Designer!!!

I must say that during stressful times, if you happen to have a Kimberly Lasher BJD, you take one look at it and can't help but smile!

I am very lucky in the fact that I have 3. I plan on making clothes for each of my girls and try to get my business up and running that way. I am currently working on a Halloween outfit that should turn out exactly as I see it in my head. :o)

Here is another great picture of my three girls together...

I love to play with my dolls. LOL

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My friend Amy...

Well, my friend Amy has done it again. She has come out with yet another amazing book on her crochet toy designs (amigurumi).

If you love to crochet, please check out her books or visit her at her Etsy store, just make sure to tell her that Elena sent you....

Amy Gaines shop